Is fear stopping you from having the life you want? Here’s how to let go of it.
We want to change, we truly want to think that we can make those monumental decisions that take massive courage that will set us on the path to success in both our personal life and our business life. So what stops us? It is such a small four-letter word but when FEAR strikes us, it can completely stop us in our tracks and make us focus on why we can’t instead of why we can.
The things that often stop us from taking that leap of faith and believing in ourselves enough are things like:
Failure: The ridiculous part here is we have not even had a go yet, so why would we already be thinking of failure? Are we giving ourselves an out for if it doesn’t work out? How often do you hear someone say, “I don’t think it will work, it was just an idea, maybe a stupid idea, but it could work, maybe”? We are making excuses.
Here’s a crazy idea… how about just owning it? Saying “you know what, this is a great idea – I am going to give it my all because I believe it can work”.
All failure is really, is a life experience that teaches us if something doesn’t work one way, try it a different way.
Rejection: What will people think if it doesn’t work? Hey, how about thinking, what will people say when I succeed. Don’t allow what other people may say or think to stop you. This is your life, do everything possible to make it exactly how you want it to be. Can I just say here also that often people will criticize when you succeed anyway, so don’t be making changes in your life for recognition from others, be doing it for yourself.
The unknown: If I make those changes I don’t know what that will mean, how things will change for me. If they are positive changes, positive results will happen. Stop overthinking it and just action it.
Disappointment: If you never try you will never know, so give it your best, give it your all, it’s the only way to find out – and remember the only person you’re disappointing for not trying something, is yourself.
Ridicule: People only talk about you when you are putting yourself out there. Don’t let others stop you from reaching your full potential. Never let other people hold you back from being the best version of you possible. You do deserve the best, so go get it.
This is your time to change, the time to let go of your fears and step up and do everything to get the life you want. Don’t let the fear of failure, or the fear of ridicule, or disappointment in yourself or others stop you from reaching your full potential. If you don’t have a go, you will never know your full capabilities. Stop worrying about what might happen and get excited about what will happen in a positive sense.
You are the author of your own book… from today, make it as exciting as possible full of wonderful adventures and life changing experiences.
After being a small business owner for 25 years, I sold my business to concentrate on my true passion: people.
I want to help you find your WHY and your HOW, and to make the necessary changes to improve your business and personal life. Taking control of where you are, but more importantly where you want to be, is what it is all about.
You need to work out what is stopping you, and what changes need to be made or improved on, so you can move forward with gusto and determination. Go get the life you want, it's ready for you!
I’d love to hear from you. x TM.