Congratulations, you’re a Next Level Business Woman!
We will commence our program on June 1, 2022.
In the meantime, please follow the steps below.
1. Join the online community
Please join our private Facebook group where we can get to know one another, celebrate our wins and enjoy a chat with friends. Make sure you introduce yourself when you’re there.
2. Download the program
Please download the program outline here. It includes all important dates and locations of our meetings, as well as content so you can prepare any questions - and get excited, of course!
3. Complete your profile
We’re going to start off with a bit of homework. This is so that I can get to know you, understand how you like to learn and where your strengths lie, so that I can better help you in building the foundations for business success. Please download and complete your profile, and email it back to me prior to 30 May.
4. Note my details
I am here for you, always. If you have any questions or concerns in the lead up to or throughout the program, please feel free to contact me at any time. I will be in touch with you prior to our start with instructions, however my details are:
Email: tracey@traceymathers.com.au
Phone: 0414 291 777
5. Get excited for business success
You’re here for a reason! It may be different to others in the group, but either way, you have taken a positive step forward to create growth and success for yourself and your business - I am proud of you! And I cannot wait to see you step into your power and become a Next Level Business Woman! Congratulations, your future starts here!