Name * First Name Last Name Email * What is the thing in your life that you are most proud of? Who is your greatest hero and why? What was your favourite subject at school and why? Did you go to university or other, what did you study? Do you have siblings and, if so, do you spend time with them? Are you still in touch with any childhood friends? Tell me a little bit about your immediate family: What is your biggest fear? Is there anything that makes you angry in your life? Is there anything that you would change about yourself if you could? Are there any non-strengths that you would like to gain more control over, or lose altogether? Do you believe in long term planning? What are your hobbies? What was your very first job? What is your current work? What do you love most about it? What frustrations do you have with it? What do you do to keep fit? On a scale of 1 to 5, 5 being the worst, how good are you at taking care of yourself and putting your needs first? What is something you learnt the hard way, that you will never do again? Who knows you the best? Do you have a good tribe of supportive people who have your back? On a scale of 1 to 5, 1 being not at all, how funny would you say that you are? What is your favourite family time? What would you choose as the very best thing to do for yourself to relax and recoup? What do you want to get from this program? Do you like to read, if yes, what was the last book you read? What genre of books do you like? Do you have pets? Who are they? What can you not live without? What activity instantly calms you? Would you rather cook, go out or order in? What is a value that you absolutely live by every day? Coffee or tea? Do you consider yourself good at networking? Are you a goal setter and, if so, do you actually review them? What is the career highlight that you are most proud of? What is the most favourite part of your day? Are you good at separating your work and home life? What do you think about workaholics? Are you one? Do you have a very best friend? How long have they held that role? What motivates you, and how? If you could do anything you wanted to today, what would it be? What is your definition of success? What makes you feel most at peace? What change do you want to see in yourself through Successful You? Thank you! I look forward to speaking with you soon.